Handbags are an icon of fashion as they are one of the most practical and common bags. Almost everyone has at least one handbag and we offer countless styles and design options to produce bags that you are sure to love.
We can customize handbags made from material and style for you. If you have a special idea, contact us to share. We can then bring your ideas to life no matter how challenging. We have our own independent design team to assist you in design. No matter what requirements regarding bespoke handbags you have, you are welcome to contact us.
Gain Regent is an experienced bespoke leather belt and leather bag manufacturer specializing in leather processing and leather production since 1982. We operate a professional leather factory staffed with 100 dedicated and skilled workers. We are a team willing to take on any challenge, and we have excellent customizable abilities and rich practical experience to provide fully customized services, including design and production. Our products have been sold all around the world, and we have long term cooperation with most luxury brands providing OEM and ODM services.